Consolidate notifications
Percentage of users for which the feature should be active (i.e. '25' for every fourth user).
A comma-separated list of client IPs or address ranges in CIDR notation (e.g. for which the feature should be active.
A comma-separated list of server IPs for which the feature should be active.
The script language to use. Your system seems to support the following languages: ECMAScript
The script to check if the feature is active. The script context provides access to some default objects. The variable 'user' refers to the current acting FeatureUser and 'date' to the current time represented as a java.util.Date.
Release date of the feature. Format: 2012-12-31
Optional time for the release day. The default value is midnight. Format: 14:45:00
A comma-separated list of server names (virtual hosts) used in request for which the feature should be active.
The name of the property to be used to determine whether the feature is enabled.
Enable the feature when this value matches the property value
A comma-separated list of profile names for which the feature should be active. A profile can be negated by prefixing the name with the NOT operator (!).
A system property name that can be set for which a feature should be active
Enable the feature when this value matches the system property value
A list of users for which the feature is active.
A list of user roles for which the feature is active.